Flying Fish and Banana Boat:Fun on the Water
Flying Fish and Banana Boat
Flying Fish and Banana Boat:Fun on the Water
BouncingInflatable raft withSpeedboat for Water activity
If you're looking for a fun and exciting way to spend a day on the water, you might consider trying out two popular water activities: flying fish and banana boat rides.
Flying fish is a thrilling activity that involves gliding through the air on a large inflatable raft towed by a speedboat. The inflatable raft is shaped like a fish, with a wide front end and a narrow back end, designed to lift the raft up into the air as it gains speed. Riders sit on the raft, holding on to ropes attached to the sides, and as the speedboat accelerates, the raft lifts off the water and flies through the air, sometimes reaching heights of up to 20 feet or more. It's an exhilarating experience that provides a unique perspective of the water and surrounding scenery.
Banana boat rides are another popular water activity that involves riding on a long, inflatable banana-shaped raft towed by a speedboat. Riders sit on the banana raft, holding on to ropes attached to the sides, as the speedboat pulls them along the water, bouncing over waves and splashing through the surf. It's a fun and lighthearted activity that's great for groups or families.

So if you're looking for a fun and exciting way to enjoy the water this summer, consider trying out flying fish or banana boat rides. With the thrill of gliding through the air or bouncing over waves, it's sure to be an experience you won't forget!
It's an very exciting!
Flying Fish
- 6 persons and 4 persons
Banana Boat
- 3- 10 persons
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